
The pecan nut

Carya illinoinensis, popularly known as pecan or pecan, is a species of the Juglandaceae family.

The edible fruit is called pecan, pecan, pecan nut, island nut or jailed nut, among other vernacular names.


It would be a species native to the southeastern States. Introduced to Malta and the eastern United States and cultivated in South Africa, Azerbaijan, China, Australia, Paraguay, Ukraine, Brazil and other South American countries.

In Argentina it was introduced from the United States at the end of the 19th century by President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, to increase the production of the islands of the Paraná Delta.

Its natural habitat in its native countries is along rivers, floodplains, and on well-drained soils. It flowers in spring at altitudes between sea level and 600 mts, exceptionally 1000 mts.​

Healthy consumption

Pecans can be eaten fresh or used in the kitchen, especially in confectionery, but also in dishes with a lot of flavor: it is used in fillings, nut breads, ice creams, and savory vegetable dishes.

One of the best-known desserts with pecans as the main ingredient is the “Pecan Pie” from the United States.

Benefits and Properties


Contains healthy fatty acids

Helps lower cholesterol


Provides a large amount of antioxidants


Provides fiber and protein

Provides fiber and protein


Protects the cardiovascular system


Contains vitamin E and B1


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